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Strategy to earn $50 a day (no investments)
- click ads everyday till you reached $3.
- Rent 3 referrals and don't cashout yet
- Click ads everyday and manage referrals till you reach 500 referrals
- Once you've reached 500 rented referrals, stop renting and just keep clicking ads everyday till you reached $100.
- Once you've reached $100 upgrade to Golden and put the extra money to your rental balance.
- Now, you're earnings are double and all you have to worry about is renting referrals
- Keep renting referrals till you reached the max 4000 (for rentals)

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AllstarrZ is identicaly with Lockerz. This is the Romanian site.
That is a site that collect points in the daily log [login you can get points twice a day to say at 10 am and 10 pm (12 hours)]. The points can make the daily questions. Scoring is as follows: 10 points per day to log.
Here is an overview of the site:
And here the lucky winners:
For invitation send me a comment,you post your email address
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AllstarrZ este un site gen Lockerz. Adica un site pe care strangi puncte din login zilnic [ poti primi puncte din login de doua ori pe zi sa zicem la 10 dimineata si 10 seara (interval de 12 ore)]. Punctele se mai pot face din intrebarile zilnice. Punctajul se face astfel : 10 puncte/zi ---- logare
5 puncte/zi ---- intrebari
Aveti aici o prezentare a site-ului ::
Iar aici fericitii castigatori ::
Trimiteti un mesaj la adresa si scrieti : "Invitatie Allstarrz" si eu o sa va primit invitatia.
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